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Thoughts on Schiavo Case

Another open thread:

Just a thought, but wouldn't it be neat if Republicans in Washington cared about the rest of us Americans as much as they do fetuses, the rich and Terri Schiavo? They could start with blacks, gays, women, Latinos, people with disabilities, the elderly - I'm not picky, just pick one. But why do you have to be unborn, brain dead or filthy rich for a Republican to want to lift a finger to help you?

-- Phil

March 23, 2005 in Politics | Permalink


Hi Phil,

Can I use your comment about the Republicans as the quote of the week on my website? Does Kevin Tipple still do reviews? He praised my cookbook some time ago. Does he or anyone there want to review my soon to be published "For Seeing Eye Dogs Only?" It's a book on missing intelligence which Keith Pearson of Aventine Press said was "hysterical." There's information on it at www.bobcooks.com.

I also have a novel about the national lottery that you could review. It's under 200 pages and should keep you up until you finish it. Keep up the good work.


Posted by: Bob Swiatek | Jun 6, 2005 9:56:52 AM

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